Vaše preuzimanje Mageia 9 Live Plasma 64bit treba započeti za nekoliko sekundi (veličina preuzimanja je oko 3.8 GB). Ako preuzimanje ne započne, kliknite ovdje.

Ovo zrcalo preuzimanja je locirano u the USA (City not set). Ako vam ne radi dobro, provjerite ova ostala zrcala. Vaša IP adresa je a vi ste izgleda u the USA, North America.

Kad vaše preuzimanje bude dovršeno, trebali biste provjeriti podudaraju li se provjereni zbrojevi:

Checksums are available for download as files: Mageia-9-Live-Plasma-x86_64.iso.md5 (md5 hash of the contents of the iso image), Mageia-9-Live-Plasma-x86_64.iso.sha512 (sha2 512 bit hash) and Mageia-9-Live-Plasma-x86_64.iso.sha3 (sha3 512 bit hash).

$ # You need both iso and checksum file in the same folder
$ md5sum -c Mageia-9-Live-Plasma-x86_64.iso.md5
Mageia-9-Live-Plasma-x86_64.iso: U redu 

$ sha512sum -c Mageia-9-Live-Plasma-x86_64.iso.sha512
Mageia-9-Live-Plasma-x86_64.iso: U redu 

$ sha3-512sum -c Mageia-9-Live-Plasma-x86_64.iso.sha3
Mageia-9-Live-Plasma-x86_64.iso: U redu 

$ # You can also compare checksum directly from this web page without checksum file
$ md5sum Mageia-9-Live-Plasma-x86_64.iso
3d305b248f2511920153032fb094a6db  Mageia-9-Live-Plasma-x86_64.iso 

$ sha512sum Mageia-9-Live-Plasma-x86_64.iso
c6944e0a368e1344332e62cf6a34dad8fbb1a1033e2ac9beda2466145f5668734770bc6a57aac09dde1f8db616a77e97ba52f2112a00d4d519f682345a4192ba  Mageia-9-Live-Plasma-x86_64.iso 

$ sha3-512sum Mageia-9-Live-Plasma-x86_64.iso
B7D410D3BA815920445C939E435648530C715C4B6209856F10D3A98EA164478635ADE506015E4883811D52444125831401C5E1DAAD01850428605D1423A0D257  Mageia-9-Live-Plasma-x86_64.iso 

Ako se provjereni zbrojevi ne podudaraju, NE koristite ovaj ISO. Provjerite i pokušajte preuzeti ponovno.

You can also verify the signature of an ISO. They are also available for download as files: Mageia-9-Live-Plasma-x86_64.iso.md5.gpg, Mageia-9-Live-Plasma-x86_64.iso.sha512.gpg and Mageia-9-Live-Plasma-x86_64.iso.sha3.gpg. First you need to import the "Mageia Release" key from a PGP Public Key Server:

$ gpg --keyserver --recv-keys EDCA7A90

In response there should be one of the following lines:

gpg: key EDCA7A90: public key "Mageia Release <>" imported

or if you already imported the key before:

gpg: key EDCA7A90: "Mageia Release <>" not changed

Then you need to verify the signature for the ISO.

$ gpg --verify Mageia-9-Live-Plasma-x86_64.iso.sha512.gpg Mageia-9-Live-Plasma-x86_64.iso.sha512

In response there should be lines like:

gpg: Good signature from "Mageia Release <>"
gpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!
gpg:          There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner.
Primary key fingerprint: B210 76A0 CBE4 D93D 66A9  D08D 835E 41F4 EDCA 7A90

The warning about uncertified signature is expected.

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