[Mageia-dev] OSS sound support

David Walser luigiwalser at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 5 18:59:58 CET 2012

Colin Guthrie wrote:
> 'Twas brillig, and Thierry Vignaud at 08/10/11 20:05 did gyre and gimble:
>> On 8 October 2011 19:35, Colin Guthrie <mageia at colin.guthr.ie> wrote:
>>> I've just pushed some changes that disable OSS sound under PulseAudio
>>> sound profile.
>>> If you want to use OSS apps with PulseAudio, please install "ossp"
>>> package which I've also just submitted.
>>> I think ultimately we'll disable ALSA OSS emulation completely and use
>>> ossp in both PA and non-PA modes but I hear that the non-PA usage isn't
>>> quite as nice, so I'm holding off doing this just yet.
>> then task-pa should suggests ossp...
> I'm undecided about this. I'm not sure if the default setup should
> include OSS sound support or not. Perhaps it would be better left as
> something that users install if they need it.
> As we'll eventually have to go through all the packages that require
> soundwrapper, perhaps we could either:
> a) Replace the soundwrapper require with a ossp require.
> b) Patch soundwrapper such that it's a noop if osspd is running and make
> it require ossp.
> The latter would mean less churn on packages, but it's arguably just
> delaying the inevitable work of doing it eventually.
> Thoughts?
> Col

I've released and uploaded a new version of soundwrapper (first one in 4 years :o) that is a no-op if osspd is running.

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