Download Mageia 8 32bit akan dimulai dalam beberapa detik (ukuran download adalah sekitar 4.1 GB). Jika download tidak dimulai, klik di sini.

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As soon as your download is complete, you should check that the checksums match:

Checksums are available for download as files: Mageia-8-i586.iso.md5 (md5 hash of the contents of the iso image), Mageia-8-i586.iso.sha512 (sha2 512 bit hash) and Mageia-8-i586.iso.sha3 (sha3 512 bit hash).

$ # You need both iso and checksum file in the same folder
$ md5sum -c Mageia-8-i586.iso.md5
Mageia-8-i586.iso: OK 

$ sha512sum -c Mageia-8-i586.iso.sha512
Mageia-8-i586.iso: OK 

$ sha3-512sum -c Mageia-8-i586.iso.sha3
Mageia-8-i586.iso: OK 

$ # You can also compare checksum directly from this web page without checksum file
$ md5sum Mageia-8-i586.iso
3767687cd1ab30afa812270fb3df5f97  Mageia-8-i586.iso 

$ sha512sum Mageia-8-i586.iso
eff7a53eece27b5859ed4a146da239b679beee5994765658f3fd4cc38aac6c9b3fd2f0eb7260f35828606890e928eaa7b162880061d3d3c6b756877bb6be9be9  Mageia-8-i586.iso 

$ sha3-512sum Mageia-8-i586.iso
49A0BB65EFFE3364526265DC45C3FE62FEE11C46880B5035FF636A2CA9C911DF93BFDCDFD19AAF4F42AB005FD4D16ACCC7854F856A00F5455EC242353F98FE30  Mageia-8-i586.iso 

If checksums do not match, DO NOT use this ISO. Double-check and try to download again.

You can also verify the signature of an ISO. They are also available for download as files: Mageia-8-i586.iso.md5.gpg, Mageia-8-i586.iso.sha512.gpg and Mageia-8-i586.iso.sha3.gpg. First you need to import the "Mageia Release" key from a PGP Public Key Server:

$ gpg --keyserver --recv-keys EDCA7A90

In response there should be one of the following lines:

gpg: key EDCA7A90: public key "Mageia Release <>" imported

or if you already imported the key before:

gpg: key EDCA7A90: "Mageia Release <>" not changed

Then you need to verify the signature for the ISO.

$ gpg --verify Mageia-8-i586.iso.sha512.gpg Mageia-8-i586.iso.sha512

In response there should be lines like:

gpg: Good signature from "Mageia Release <>"
gpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!
gpg:          There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner.
Primary key fingerprint: B210 76A0 CBE4 D93D 66A9  D08D 835E 41F4 EDCA 7A90

The warning about uncertified signature is expected.

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