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Differences between en/community.pot source and hi target

You can translate most of our web page resources online in Transifex.

Please take a look off the translation guide on the localization Wiki page too.

After translation:

Report found 23 untranslated strings in /langs/hi/community.po:

;Wiki</a> &larr; collaborative documentation

;Bugzilla</a> &larr; to report bugs

;For developers &amp; packagers

;Git</a> code repositories

;Packages submission queue

;unmaintained packages

;Global QA report


;... or, how to get in touch with us? Easy:

;IRC</a> on Libera.Chat

;in real life!

;during events!

;Teams you can join!

;Testing &amp; <abbr title=\"Quality Assurance\">QA</abbr>


;Systems &amp; infrastructure administration

;\"https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Bug_Squad\" hreflang=\"en\"

;Bug Squad

;Our <a href=\"../about/code-of-conduct/\">code of conduct</a> and <a href=\"../about/values/\">values</a>

;Our governance model</a> and structure:

;the Council

;the Board

;<a href=\"../donate/\">Donations</a> &amp; <a href=\"../about/reports/\">reports</a>.