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Differences between en/donate.pot source and hi target

You can translate most of our web page resources online in Transifex.

Please take a look off the translation guide on the localization Wiki page too.

After translation:

Report found 17 untranslated strings in /langs/hi/donate.po:

;Paypal withdraws a small commission for each donation (around 2%) so we get a little bit less than you send;

;conversion rates are charged to Mageia, so please use € as currency;

;if you want to do an anonymous donation, please add a comment or send an email to %s.

;Why donate?

;Mageia.Org is a not-for-profit association to manage the Mageia distribution. As a not-for-profit association, it can receive donations from the community to help in a lot of differents fields:

;hardware and hosting for servers;

;domain names;

;registrations of Mageia trademark;

;goodies for spreading Mageia;

;administrative expenses;

;eventually, legal counsel and


;How to track donation?

;Currently, we received a lot of generous donations (%s, remains %s) thanks to all of our <a href=\"../thank-you/\">donors</a>!

;We believe public accountability is crucial. You can know more about how are used the funds received by reading our <a href=\"%s\">financial reports</a>.


;If you have any question about donations, you can send an email to <a href=\"mailto:treasurer@mageia.org\">treasurer@mageia.org</a>.