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Differences between en/timeline.pot source and tg target

You can translate most of our web page resources online in Transifex.

Please take a look off the translation guide on the localization Wiki page too.

After translation:

Report found 42 untranslated strings in /langs/tg/timeline.po:



;<a href=%s>Mageia %s</a> is released.



;General Assembly on IRC.




;<a href=%1\$s>Mageia %2\$s</a> updated to %3\$s.







;Seventh General Assembly during FOSDEM in Brussels, Belgium.




;Sixth General Assembly during FOSDEM in Brussels, Belgium.


;Fifth General Assembly during FOSDEM in Brussels, Belgium.



;Fourth General Assembly during FOSDEM in Brussels, Belgium.


;Third General Assembly during FOSDEM in Brussels, Belgium.


;Second General Assembly during FOSDEM in Brussels, Belgium.


;First General Assembly during FOSDEM in Brussels, Belgium.


;Build system is ready to run for the first alpha ISOs.


;End of year

;With an incredible response, first donations and discussions abound.

;Project gets structured, governance takes slowly shape (first board, teams).


;Mageia starts as a <a href=\"../about/2010-sept-announcement.html\">fork of Mandriva Linux</a>.

;Mageia.Org is registered in Paris, France.

;Mageia Timeline